The story revolves around the daily life of Nakamachi Kana, an orphaned middle-school girl, who begins living and working at a newspaper delivery office staffed exclusively by cute girls.
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Kanamemo, SUB online. You can also watch Kanamemo in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story revolves around the daily life of Nakamachi Kana, an orphaned middle-school girl, who begins living and working at a newspaper delivery office staffed exclusively by cute girls.
Other names: かなめも
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 13
Views: 5722
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2009
Type: TV Series
Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Kanamemo, SUB online. You can also watch Kanamemo in HD or SD quality.