In this sequel series, events continue four years after they left off in the first series. Papuwa-kun is a mysterious boy who lives on a new tropical island full of the same crazy creatures. Along with his maid, Liquid, and his new amnestic friend, "Rotarou", they lead nonsensical adventures as they try to evade and confuse the Ganma Army, Special Corps, and even the Shinsengumi from discovering Rotarou's real secret and taking him away.
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Papuwa, SUB online. You can also watch Papuwa in HD or SD quality.
Overview: In this sequel series, events continue four years after they left off in the first series. Papuwa-kun is a mysterious boy who lives on a new tropical island full of the same crazy creatures. Along with his maid, Liquid, and his new amnestic friend, "Rotarou", they lead nonsensical adventures as they try to evade and confuse the Ganma Army, Special Corps, and even the Shinsengumi from discovering Rotarou's real secret and taking him away.
Other names: Papuwa 2, パプワ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 26
Views: 9623
Last Added: 2021-04-25 20:21:52
Release Year: 2003
Type: TV Series
Genres: Adventure, Comedy
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Papuwa, SUB online. You can also watch Papuwa in HD or SD quality.