Puripuri Chii-chan!!
The story revolves around a girl named Yuuka, who encounters a being from the depths of the Earth named Chii-chan (a pun of chiteijin, the Japanese word for underground-dweller), and an alien named Ucchan (a pun of uchuujin or alien). The story follows their heartwarming and chaotic everyday lives together.
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Puripuri Chii-chan!!, SUB online. You can also watch Puripuri Chii-chan!! in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story revolves around a girl named Yuuka, who encounters a being from the depths of the Earth named Chii-chan (a pun of chiteijin, the Japanese word for underground-dweller), and an alien named Ucchan (a pun of uchuujin or alien). The story follows their heartwarming and chaotic everyday lives together.
Other names: PriPri Chii-chan!!, Puri Puri, プリプリちぃちゃん!!
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 36
Views: 17811
Last Added: 2017-12-16 14:09:51
Release Year: 2017
Type: Spring 2017
Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Puripuri Chii-chan!!, SUB online. You can also watch Puripuri Chii-chan!! in HD or SD quality.